Monday, January 23, 2012

What is the maximum work week for the military?

I am asking about total days per week that a member on active duty can work as per military regulations. Excluding, excercises and deployments. Just the normal on station work week, specifically pertaining to the U.S. Air Force.

Thanks!What is the maximum work week for the military?As everyone has said - you are "owned" 24/7/365.

Depending on trade, your standard week could be 5x8 hour days, weekends off. It could also be 16hour days 4 on 2 off. Pull a 'duty' and you could be at work for 32 hours straight.

It all varies, so best you remain "flexible", because the military generally isn't. Generally though, expect something monday to friday, and 8 to 10 hour days.What is the maximum work week for the military?
You belong to the Military 24X7. I would work 3 swings, 3 mids and 3 days then get 72 hours off. That shift sucked. But that was my job requirements.

My sister who also was in the air force worked barely a 40 hour week and had every weekend and holiday off.What is the maximum work week for the military?haha maximum work week thats a good one my fiance is in the marines and works 5 days a week but his hours vary he has some days as long as 15 16 hour days and thats not even when they are training and sometimes you gotta pull 24 hr duty in the barracks and such the military owns you when you join you have pretty much no rights as far as i know!

If the need arises you can work 7 days. As a matter of fact it's not even unusual to work 7 days, then another 7, then ...What is the maximum work week for the military?Even when at home station, performing Garrison duties, you will work however many hours you are ordered to, as directed by competent authority. If you are military, call the local Staff Judge Advocate/ Base Legal Council for your 'free' advice on the issue.What is the maximum work week for the military?
The corps says its your never off work your a marine 24/7/365 you can get called off of leave, liberty, and working parties if they want you back in the shop.
Maximum work week would be 24x7 equals 308 hours though you might check my math on that. Normally you will work 8-10 hours a day Monday through Friday and have weekend duty once every four weeks. Some units/jobs are less but if you are on deployment, training or actual, or go to the field it is usually more. Shipboard was 12 on and 12 off seven days a week while at sea. In port was usually 8 hour workdays. The Air Force might take it easier but that was usually what we did in the Marines.What is the maximum work week for the military?
In garrison operations, you will usually get about 16 hours a day off. And you will usually only work 5 days a week.

While on training exercises you can expect about 8 hours of sleep about six days a week.

In combat operations, expect to be on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

But you specified normal -- that would be about 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Your specific job may alter that -- some jobs, like police and cooks rotate a night shift. Others, like flight crew, are wildly unscheduled.

But if you are a clerk or mechanic, expect a normal 0600 - 1600, Monday through Friday.

If you are serving a sentence imposed by non-judicial punishment (Art. 15) you can expect to work up to 20 hours per day, 7 days a week, for the duration of the sentence.
All I can compare it to is the Army,.

After basic and AIT,, we worked from 700 am to 400 PM, M/f, w/ 45 min for lunch, Sat from 700 am to noon,. That;s 50 hrs a week. Then there were times when you drew duty NCO, which meant, you were on duty from Noon sat to 700am Mon.,. You could sleep, etc during this stretch, but had to be in the company area.You also occasionally drew CQ, when mean you were there, on duty from 5PM to 7AM the next morning.

You also occasionally drew sgt of the guard duty.

Essentially, they owned you.CQ wanlt duffiucult, you just could not lave the area unless someone covered for you. And if they didn't YOU got screwed, not them.
Normal work week 40 hours.

My longest work day was 36 hours - Desert Storm

longest work week....120 or so hours-
Legally 16 hours a day, with no days off, for regular day to day stuff that equates to 116 hours a week.

Obviously there are exceptions but they are not the norm

Usually people work less than that though
While on deployment expect 12 hrs on 12hrs off at least!! While home you can work these hours as well depends on what needs to get done. Ive work 18, 19 hour days for a week or 2 at a time when the bosses said it was going to be a chill out detachment. Remember in addition to normal work hours you will have duty days as well, meaning you get off work then stand a watch for lets say 12 hrs then back to work.

Last remember its not jsut a job its a lifestyle, so no matter what ya do ya cant get away from it till your time is up. mwuahahah
They only have to give you 8 hours of sleep.. they can work you as many days in a row as they want.

My husband is an AF Crew Chief. He has worked 30 days in a row 12 hours a day before. During deployments it is much, much, much worse. While deployed he works 16 hour days with no days off for 4 months or more.
As Wideband in the AF at one site I worked 3 swing, 3 mids, 3 days %26amp; had 3 days off. Then at another site I worked 12 hour mids for 56 days without a day off. During the first week of Desert Shield I worked 86 hours with no break %26amp; no outside contact. Then I got a 5 hour break before being recalled to work 5 days (my wife was allowed to bring me food %26amp; clean clothes during this 5 days and I was allowed to nap when not needed).

So in a nut shell - it all depends on the mission. As others have said they own you 24/7. But you are a volunteer.
It all depends on your job... usually you don't work a seven day work week...note I said usually because you are owned... so you work what they tell you to work. Some people get lucky and work 0730-1630 Mon-Fri %26amp; all holidays off... Others work 12 hour days 4-5 days a week...and some work a rotating schedule...

Just about everyone before me said it... they can make you work what they want.
your in the military 24/7 so what they need is what you do.
Well, admittedly I was in the Air Force back in the early '80's, but i worked about four hours a day, 5 days a week. You have to find a way to be the best in your career field. If you do. You've got it made.

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