Monday, January 30, 2012

How to get adjusted to military lifestyle?

I will be going to the army in September, and I will be away from home for 6 months. Not only will I feel homesick, but I also have to learn to adapt to the military life, every day for 6 months.

The thing is, I used to love things like the army and the police, the training and all that. I always wanted to be a well-trained person for survival. But one year ago, I just stopped feeling that. So how do I get adjusted to military life?How to get adjusted to military lifestyle?You have to adjust your mindset. You cannot be emotional or carry any emotional baggage with you. You have to go in with a clear mindset at all times...

And respect and treat your gay peers as you would like to be treated yourself, discrimination should not be tolerated in the military.How to get adjusted to military lifestyle?Adjusting to life in the army won't be as hard as you think.

It's like every other job out there, you have peers, subordinates, and people of higher rank. Basic training, and AIT are designed to help you adjust. You'll make friends where ever you go and they will help you if you are having trouble. The army won't ruin your life, and if you decide it's not for you then do not reenlist, finish your contract, get out and use your GI bill to go to school and find something you do likeHow to get adjusted to military lifestyle? will adjust to life in the military, period. One of the things that makes us human is our ability to adjust and move forward.

My question to you is if a year ago you stopped enjoying things like the army, police, training and self achievement through your efforts....why did you still enlist in the army? And hey, here's a secret even a former US Army Officer like me would never admit.....95% of everyone who joins the military gets homesick at least once after you arrive at your training base. Of the other 5%... 3% came from such a terrible home life that they will never get home sick....and the remaining 2% who say they never got homesick even for 1 minute...they're lying!How to get adjusted to military lifestyle?
I was at 10 places over half the world in 4 years having a blast. I almost forgot all about people back home, I was having too much fun

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