Thursday, January 26, 2012

How have women in California recently served in the military?

What military branch, location of the service, and the nature of the assignment?

I would greatly appreciate an answer.How have women in California recently served in the military?I joined the Army in CA. I have been to mostly southern states with the exception of Ft. Carson, CO, Korea and Iraq. Nature of the assignment was my MOS, avionic radar repairer.

Been to Camp Parks for AIT and ABIC schooling. It is a NG post. For the Army you also have Ft. Irwin.How have women in California recently served in the military?Well in California you have Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard. On top of that you have Reserve and National Guard Units. There are many women serving among these places. If you want to know the locations, google US military bases in California and you will find them all. Then you have to add in Reserve and Guard station, and recruiting stations. The locations are many. Women in California would hold many different jobs, and have many different assignments. The actual answers to all of these questions would be vast.

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