Monday, January 30, 2012

What does the 21 gunshot salute mean, in a military funeral?

I was watching the funeral of Gerald Ford. They did the 21 gunshot salute. I was wondering what it means the 21? Any military men out there?What does the 21 gunshot salute mean, in a military funeral?It isn't 21 gunshot salute. It's a 3-volley salute that's performed at military and police funerals as part of the drill and ceremony of the Honor Guard. 3-volley salute is not to be confused with the 21-gun salute (or even lesser gun salutes, such as 19-gun or 17-gun, etc) which use cannon.

A president, past or present will receive a 21-gun salute. On the day of the funeral he will receive a 21-minute gun salute starting at noon. They will also fire a 50-gun salute (representing each state) that will follow the lowering of the flag.

In the Anglo-Saxon Empire, seven guns was a recognized naval salute, seven being the standard number of weapons on a vessel. Because more gunpowder could be stored on dry land, forts could fire three rounds for every one fired from sea, hence the number 21. With the improvement of naval gunpowder, honors rendered at sea were increased to 21 as well.

Also 21 is not from the sum of 1776. does the 21 gunshot salute mean, in a military funeral?
The 21 gun salute is an honor given to a President during his funeral, arrival and departure. It is a tradition always given to a President on important occasions.What does the 21 gunshot salute mean, in a military funeral?I'm glad someone already got it out there that the salute for the POTUS funeral was the 3-volley Salute. It is used for this occasion, as well as all military funerals.

The adding of the numbers making the year 1776 is an urban legend. Though popular, it is not the reason for 21 shots. Many say that the use of 7 rifles has religious meanings, as well as the fact that they are fired 3 times.

The 21 Gun salute is used for occasions as the POTUS leaving office, and it uses 21 canons, firing one shot each. There are other salutes, including a 50 gun salute at noon on the Fourth of July. Wikipedia has good information about salutes.

The origin behind the salute is believed to come from ancient times where people would show respect for the fallen by placing their weapons in a position of ineffectiveness. Many African cultures would place the tips of their spears, and other weapons, in the dirt.

At some point, the nature of the salute, and the number of shots fired came to be 21 shots in the 3-volley salute you see at funerals today.What does the 21 gunshot salute mean, in a military funeral?
it is in honour of a famous or powerfull departed

or a hero.What does the 21 gunshot salute mean, in a military funeral?Add up the numbers of 1,7,7, and 6 from the year 1776. This is where the 21 gun salute came from,What does the 21 gunshot salute mean, in a military funeral?
This is what the Army's website says:

The use of gun salutes for military occasions is traced to early warriors who demonstrated their peaceful intentions by placing their weapons in a position that rendered them ineffective. Apparently this custom was universal, with the specific act varying with time and place, depending on the weapons being used. A North African tribe, for example, trailed the points of their spears on the ground to indicate that they did not mean to be hostile.

The tradition of rendering a salute by cannon originated in the 14th century as firearms and cannons came into use. Since these early devices contained only one projectile, discharging them once rendered them ineffective. Originally warships fired seven-gun salutes--the number seven probably selected because of its astrological and Biblical significance. Seven planets had been identified and the phases of the moon changed every seven days. The Bible states that God rested on the seventh day after Creation, that every seventh year was sabbatical and that the seven times seventh year ushered in the Jubilee year.

Land batteries, having a greater supply of gunpowder, were able to fire three guns for every shot fired afloat, hence the salute by shore batteries was 21 guns. The multiple of three probably was chosen because of the mystical significance of the number three in many ancient civilizations. Early gunpowder, composed mainly of sodium nitrate, spoiled easily at sea, but could be kept cooler and drier in land magazines. When potassium nitrate improved the quality of gunpowder, ships at sea adopted the salute of 21 guns.

The 21-gun salute became the highest honor a nation rendered. Varying customs among the maritime powers led to confusion in saluting and return of salutes. Great Britain, the world's preeminent seapower in the 18th and 19th centuries, compelled weaker nations to salute first, and for a time monarchies received more guns than did republics. Eventually, by agreement, the international salute was established at 21 guns, although the United States did not agree on this procedure until August 1875.

The gun salute system of the United States has changed considerably over the years. In 1810, the "national salute" was defined by the War Department as equal to the number of states in the Union--at that time 17. This salute was fired by all U.S. military installations at 1:00 p.m. (later at noon) on Independence Day. The President also received a salute equal to the number of states whenever he visited a military installation.

In 1842, the Presidential salute was formally established at 21 guns. In 1890, regulations designated the "national salute" as 21 guns and redesignated the traditional Independence Day salute, the "Salute to the Union," equal to the number of states. Fifty guns are also fired on all military installations equipped to do so at the close of the day of the funeral of a President, ex-President, or President-elect.

Today the national salute of 21 guns is fired in honor of a national flag, the sovereign or chief of state of a foreign nation, a member of a reigning royal family, and the President, ex-President and President-elect of the United States. It is also fired at noon of the day of the funeral of a President, ex-President, or President-elect.

Gun salutes are also rendered to other military and civilian leaders of this and other nations. The number of guns is based on their protocol rank. These salutes are always in odd numbers.

Source: Headquarters, Military District of Washington, FACT SHEET: GUN SALUTES, May 1969.

I noticed that when President Ford's body arrived at Andrews Air Force Base today that he was given a 21-gun salute which looked to be given by 3 cannons. There was a forth cannon but I did not see it fire but then the TV camera's view was limited.

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