Monday, January 30, 2012

How can I make the military ball appeal more to lower enlisted Soldiers?

I've been selected to serve on the military ball committee and our goal this year is to draw in about 800-1000 people. The problem is that most of the time only officers and retired officers ever show up to the military ball. Besides lowering ticket costs for the lower enlisted, which we are already working on, what else would make it appealing to the vast bulk of the Army that is the lower enlisted?

PS I already tried suggesting an under the sea theme, it didnt fly with the General.How can I make the military ball appeal more to lower enlisted Soldiers?talk to the ladies of your FRG ask them to disemante the information to the wives and set up a day they could go shopping for their gowns, trust me as a n army wife when you here you get to dress up in a gown like that all of the wives push to attened its an ecuse to look beautiful one day out of the year. Also try handing out any awards due this will get the soldiers whom are recieving the awards to attend. And lastly I am not sure how the guard works because we are active, but or Officers have been know to assign those saying they wish not to attend to be dd's and take home the ones who have had too much to drink they usully change their mindsHow can I make the military ball appeal more to lower enlisted Soldiers?
Provide Body ArmorHow can I make the military ball appeal more to lower enlisted Soldiers?Soldiers have to pay to get into a Military Ball? Wow we really do support our troops.............
Thai hookers

I'm just kidding!

Perhaps there is a small college or something nearby where you could invite young ladies to attend.How can I make the military ball appeal more to lower enlisted Soldiers?Advertise using fliers all around the barracks %26amp; places of work where the enlisted soldiers are.How can I make the military ball appeal more to lower enlisted Soldiers?
You will probably attract some younger, and possibly older NCO's, but I wouldn't expect a high turnout from the younger enlisted. Most are unfamiliar with protocol, and would also feel uncomfortable with the brass hanging around. For them, it would be a waste of time.

The NCO's on the other hand, who have decided about making the military a career, would be more likely to consider a formal function, such as a military ball.

In order to get the others interested, I would start with baby steps, and get them introduced to such events, like a dining in or out. Have the NCO's get involved in helping the younger enlisted understand why it would be good for them to go.

Naturally, as you already mentioned, costs can be prohibitive, and some may not have a date to go with, etc.
open bar or cheap drinks -- advertise it and they will come - thats what they likeHow can I make the military ball appeal more to lower enlisted Soldiers?
This is the military. Order them to show up.

What you are missing here is not only the price of admission but the price of a dress uniform, the code of military conduct, and the extreme difference in age between enlisted men and the officers. Anyone of those three would be reason enough not to show up unless they were ordered to do so, but; they can be.

Perhaps your goal is simply unrealistic, or you are limiting yourself to only soldiers. Officers have family and friends they should be allowed to invite. That would boost your attendance some.

Also, who says they can dance? Did any of you ever look into training them to do so? That also may be part of your problem.

But, I would say most of your problem has to do with the fact that officers and enlisted men are not meant to fraternise, so partying with one another is a bad idea.
As sad as it may seem. Try to provide some sort of incentive for going. Talk to all of the units to give all attendees a 3 day pass or something. All it takes is one ball for them to decide whether or not they will go to another one in the future.

Most are unaware of what actually happens at a ball, from the receiving line, to the grog, to the open bar. Most think it is extremely proper and don't want to put themselves out there for that kind of stuff.

These days, incentives are almost needed.
promote it as a good way for their wifes and girlfriends to meet each other, also have a couple of different bands that suit the young and older guests.

As for the General suggest for it to work it has to appeal to the lower ranks
You are a National Guard unit..meaning you are part timers(in a sense). I bet half of the Junior enlisted folks don't even have a properly fitting set of Dress uniform(Class As I think you call them?)

Unless you have one HUGE NG unit, I can't see getting that many bodies.. hell, Aircraft Carriers with crews of 3500 MIGHT draw 1000 bodies to the Navy Ball.

Plain fact is.. this sort of thing just isn't all that exciting for Junior enblisted folks. Unless you managed to get some seriously sweet door prizes donated, I doubt that you will have much luck.

That sort of thing is mainly for Senior enlisted and O's to hobnob and work the room.
I can see why they've selected you to serve on the committee. You obviously live in the same world as they do. I assume that while you are worried about selling tickets to the "lower enlisted" it is the "lower enlisted" who dying in Iraq.

How can you expect enlisted men/women to give anyone like you any respect when you give them none.

To put it into my perspective, I served 16 years in the Royal Air Force and if anyone had ever called a "lower" anything I would have happily assaulted them and accepted a discharge.

Maybe you should leave and join a big corporation as there would probably be more opportunity to suck up to people.

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