Thursday, January 26, 2012

What happens if a vegetarian wants to join the military?

And remain a vegetarian while in the military, of course. Do they accommodate vegetarians?

I'm referring mainly to western countries like Canada, USA, UK, etc.

(I'm not planning to join; I was just wondering)What happens if a vegetarian wants to join the military?A vegetarian can certainly join the US military. We had a vegetarian in boot camp, and there wasn't a problem. The chow hall has a variety of options to choose from and, as is included in any healthy diet, they provide vegetables, grains, legumes, and fruits for someone to eat with their diet or AS their diet. There are vegetarian MRE's as well.

I am a vegan and a Marine Corps veteran. While I wasn't vegan (or even vegetarian in the Marine Corps...I became disabled during my service and read it could help, so I tried it and it does to a small extent), I can easily see how I could have lived as a vegan while in the US Marine Corps.What happens if a vegetarian wants to join the military?
During boot camp there will be plenty of choices of food as you go through the mess line. Once you get out you can make your own choices. Vegans are individuals who never use any leather or do they eat any animal products such as milk,etc,.. Vegetarian don't eat meat of any kind. I am a vegetarian but have coincided to some fishWhat happens if a vegetarian wants to join the military?Yes they do, they even have two MRE's(meals ready to eat) that are vegetarian. now in basic training or boot camp, you might not really have a choice because you would be so hungry but when you get into the real army where you do your daily work, unless you are in the field, you can stick to being a vegetarian.
In most of these countries you mentioned above it shouldn't be a problem but if you have to travel to places like Alaska, Germany, or any cold places for training or deployment. You might face problems in food. These places usually do not produce anything but are reliable for fishing. So you might face limitations in food.What happens if a vegetarian wants to join the military?The US military can accommodate that particular fetish to some small degree as long as it doesn't interfere with REAL mission requirements. If it gets in the way of your actual military function you're either going to adjust to the way things need to be done or separate.What happens if a vegetarian wants to join the military?
while they don't go out of their way to accomodate dietary restrictions like that, it is possible to remain vegetarian without compromising too much. In fact it is often said that the vegetarian MREs are the tastiest.
vegeterians are allowed in the military. You can continue to be a vegetarian in the military. They have vegetarian meals and everything.What happens if a vegetarian wants to join the military?
The vegetarian gets to join. Also allowed to be proud of serving. Also can have the odd bit of meat if desired and still basically be vegetarian.
My best friend is a vegetarian and he has no problems. In fact, he had specific permission from his commander to wear non leather boots. There are vegetarian MREs. The dining facilities do very well to cater to vegetarians.
They have vegetarian MRE's. During training you have a small selection of food to pick from but you don't have to eat any meat.
You're probably accommodated by not being forced to eat meat. But then no one is forced to eat anything in the military.
Should ask if military offers vegetarian diets first.
HE/SHE needs to compromise

about food stuffs as per the]

Miklitary Governance
Well, let me put it this way; you'll get to truly learn what "Intestinal Fortitude" really means.
nothing you do the same as anywhere else you only eat what you want they don't force u to eat anything you don't want

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