Monday, January 30, 2012

What is the military service in South Korea like?

Okie I am from Singapore so the only thing I know about complusory military service is limited to what I gather from Singapore.

In Singapore (correct me if I am wrong) guys serving military service get to go home on the weekends after their 1st 2 weeks and after the 1st 3 months they get to go back home everyday.

Does Korea military service function the same way? Do they even get to go home during their military service? And if they do how long do they usually need to serve before they are allow to leave camp?What is the military service in South Korea like?I think there are mainly two types of compulsory military service in Korea.

1. ?? (for guys with "not too serious" physical problem) - you don't stay at the base. You do some service work and a little military training

2. ?? (for healthy guys) - you stay at the base for two years. Their parents or other family members support them financially.

You get paid about 50 to 90 dollars a month for two years. So you can't make a living while you serve.

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