Monday, January 23, 2012

What is the hardest military training for a woman?

I know it's NAVY seals for men, and the Royal Marines. But women can't join neither of them. I want to join the military, and I want it to be as hard as possible, but everything I find won't allow women to join. So what would be the hardest military training for a woman??

thank you :)What is the hardest military training for a woman?marines.What is the hardest military training for a woman?
Don't believe the hype...

If you want to join the military I can guarantee that no matter what you join will be challenging. There are some jobs that are harder by their nature. If you want a tough job in the Navy be a Boatswains Mate. You will get dirty and lift and pull heavy things. Sea and Anchor detail is tough.

Why not look for a job that you will like. You will be doing it for several years of your life if not more if you make it a career. You should look at it as a career and see where you can get the best education and training that matches your skills and abilities.

The military is not easy. I was a Navy can go that route and try to go FMF and be with the Marines...that is tough training.

You could join the Marines and be a female Marine. That is tough training by itself.

Instead of trying to be the toughest try to be the best. There are a lot of great opportunities for women, more than ever in glad that you have so many choices that women never had before.

If you are smart go into a Nuclear program or electronics....get into a technical field....or be a linguist if you are good at communications....

There are so many jobs and careers that the possibilities are endless...Serving your country will be challenging enough.What is the hardest military training for a woman?MMA fighter seems to talk down on Marines in most of his answers, maybe when he hit on a Marine he got rejected and beat down...

Marine Corps boot camp is considered the toughest.What is the hardest military training for a woman?
There is a reason the really hard jobs are restricted for women. Hint hint.What is the hardest military training for a woman?The Marines is the hardest branch for ANYONE, not just women. Have at it.What is the hardest military training for a woman?
same that are hard for men I assume
Most girls who want to "appear" tough suck Marines balls.

Funniest goddamn thing in the world.

Ed: Hit on a Marine? Have you seen Marine women! They remind me of men.

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