Monday, January 23, 2012

How much more advanced is the South Korean military compared to the North Korean?

Was just looking at some figures and it seems the South is spending 5 times more on it's military than the North ($24.5 billion compared to $5 billion). Yet the North has nearly double the amount of soldiers, more tanks, a hell of a lot more submarines and double the amount of airforce personnel. I'd just like some examples of the weapons and equipment the South are using compared to what the North are using.How much more advanced is the South Korean military compared to the North Korean?Compare your 1080p LED backlit LCD TV with the Television sets of the 1950's. Similarly, take into account that your computer's processor is 200-1000 times more efficient than one's in the 1950's.

Also, compare the Xbox 360 with using a stick and a ball for fun.

Then think of this technology jump in terms of fighter jets, tanks, army equipment (rifles, body armor, training, etc), submarines, etc.

Examples? The US supplies the South with modified F-15s and F-16's. The F-15K has technology and radar systems far more advanced than any crusty old Mig-29. The S. Koreans use the K-1 and, soon, K-2 Tank, both of which are based on the United State's M1 Abrams. Not to mention that the technology and computer systems of the K-1 and K-2 is far more advanced than the T-54 and T-35 museum antiques that the North uses.

The North might have more personnel. But unlike WWII, the concept of modern military might is having well-equipped and well-trained soldiers rather than large masses. Smaller armies and better equipment means more efficiency.How much more advanced is the South Korean military compared to the North Korean?Good question.

They (North) do indeed have many more troops.

And this is a concern.

But the South and the U.S. are aware of most of their moves and are prepared to deal with any invasion.

China however, is not too happy about the large number of refugees that would invade its borders.

Technology wise the North is far behind where Iraq stood at the same point in time.

This may not answer your question, but at least its some input.How much more advanced is the South Korean military compared to the North Korean?The North may have more men, but in a war the South would kick their asses. And China would probably stay out of it because they're tired of those idiots who are in charge in the North.How much more advanced is the South Korean military compared to the North Korean?
North Korea is allied with China; South Korea is allied with what is left of the US military.

North Korea would have the full backing of Chinese forces; South Korea would have to do with what is left of US military personnel that isn't fighting a pointless war elsewhere. However, the US will 'boo hoo' to all it's allies and ask for help. 'Boo hoo, we are over committed elsewhere, can you go and fight another of our wars that we have nothing to do with?'

My money is on the North!

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