Monday, January 23, 2012

Do the military try to hire qualified candidates?

I am not saying the military people are bad , because I am planning on joining after college. However, almost every recruiter I have spoken too , besides the army recruiter seemed more interested about luring me in with the benefits. I really want to join to make a difference in myself and with the people around me.Do the military try to hire qualified candidates?The military recruiters (like any sales personnel) have a daily-weekly, monthly-quarterly-annual quota to meet.

The are under the gun to produce or they will be relived of their jobs and sent back to the front lines without a chance of future advancement.

Just know what your recruiter puts in writing to you before you sign on the line.Do the military try to hire qualified candidates?No, as long as you can meet the basic requirements you are in. If you consider yourself qualified in any area of life then don't join. You will be surrounded by lazy people there to collect a paycheck. The military is very political. It's not what you know. It's who you know. If your Commander says the sky is pink, then you must agree, or you will be an outcast, and possibly put in jail. This is no joke, you will be a mindless body. I served for nine years and it was a living hell.

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