Sunday, February 12, 2012

What is the process from graduating college to joining the military?

I graduated college last year and now have a desire to join the military. Can someone please answer with a list of the steps I would take towards joining? What about becoming an officer?What is the process from graduating college to joining the military?Generally speaking, there are three ways to become an officer: a service academy (i.e. West Point), ROTC (a scholarship/officer training program you participate in during your undergrad years of college), direct commission (going in as a doctor, dentist, etc.), or OCS - Officer Candidates School.

OCS is probably your best option, because someone such as yourself probably is officer-material, and the US military needs top-notch guys in the officer corps. It is a few-month long academy (I think the Marine's is in Quantico, VA). After graduation, you are commissioned as an officer.

You can find plenty more information online. Bear in mind, it will be very competitive, and there is a very good chance you will end up being deployed to the Middle East. You can always give your local recruiter a call. But make sure you tell him you DON'T want to enlist, you wanna be an officer.

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