Saturday, February 18, 2012

Should the US military and government figures responsible for attacking Iraq be charged?

As the vultures in the oil companies move today to steal the oil of Iraq should the leaders of the military and government who led the terror attack on Iraq be tried for their crimes? After all it is armed robbery isn't it?Should the US military and government figures responsible for attacking Iraq be charged?Of course. The US laid waste to Viet Nam and then left. In the Middle East, the US laid waste to Iraq and Afghanistan, but this time, it will continue to occupy the country to exploit oil resources in the region. The US is:

- Imposing economic sanctions that has killed hundreds of thousands of children.

- Giving huge sums of money to corporations so that they convert to profits for managers and investors.

- Killing 100 innocent civilians in Bagdad every day and countless others elsewhere.

- Commiting genocide.

- Holding innocent civilians in jail and extracting false confessions using torture. Prisoners are not tried and they are held without charges. The Red Cross is not allowed to inspect prisons and lists of prisoners are not provided. Some people simply disappear.

- Violating Geneva convention.

- Invading the Middle East illegally and against the UN charter (also violation of US law).

- Occupying in violation of international law (and US law).

- Using depleted uranium in weapons that permanently pollute areas with deadly radiation.

- Creating free fire zones where any human is shot. (Pat Tillman was murdered in a free fire zone.)

- Spending more on military than all other countries combined.

- Shipping Iraqi oil to refineries in California.

- Failing to use diplomacy and instead using force and the threat of force to maintain control of world resources.

The US government was convicted of international terrorism by the World Court in the Hague for it's support of terrorists in Nicaragua. If the US did not have an overwhelming military superiority, I'm convinced that the US administration would be arrested, tried, convicted, and held accountable for horrendous criminal activity. The scale of destruction makes Adolf Hitler look like a boy scout.

We must impeach G. W. Bush now. Thank you Dennis Kucinch.Should the US military and government figures responsible for attacking Iraq be charged?
yesShould the US military and government figures responsible for attacking Iraq be charged?electrically charged
Hmm... No, because we haven't stole any oil.Should the US military and government figures responsible for attacking Iraq be charged?if we were stealing oil why is it so expensive?


we should be stealing there oil. all the U.S is doing is buying oil from Iraq at ridiculous prices. We are fueling the very thing we are trying to stop. Terrorism. How do you think Iraq has a fighting chance against the U.S. Its becasue we dump millions into there country through buying gas.

We fight them with one hand and pay them with the other.

srry for straying off topic.Should the US military and government figures responsible for attacking Iraq be charged?
Give me a break. It's not about oil. Oil is an after thought. After all oil was what, $30 a barrel at the start of the war? It's all about Bush. Bush wanting to one up the guy that threatened his father. As a former military member I can say for sure, you do not speak against your commander in chief. You do as you are told. Not saying all military leaders are innocent, but the military didn't start the war.
If the charge is liberation and freedom, yes they should!Should the US military and government figures responsible for attacking Iraq be charged?
That is silly and immature. After eight years of practically traitorous government under Clinton, we have had in Bush an administration that makes THINKING Americans proud. If you do not like my beloved America, there are 170 other nations you are free to try out.
The only people that are criminals , in this situation are Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft and Karl ( the talking turd) Rove. The military people are just following orders. It's been proven ( weather you like it or not) that Bush DID knowingly lie to Congress to get backing to invade Iraq and start this Quagmire in Iraq. The 3/'03 memos between Bush and Ashcroft proves Bush and Ashcroft did aprove the use of torture and what really makes me mad is Bush stood in front of us and denied it and then we found out he lied to us AGAIN!!!!! Ergo: they are both guilty of federal and international war crimes. ( no gray area there) Cheney and Rove, are the main instigators behind all this dishonesty, corruption, failure an a basic lack of honor. We already know , from Novak's testimony that Rove is guilty of treason. The Bush administration will go down as the most dishonest, failed, corrupted, dishonorable Presidency in USA history.

This was premeditated.

In his book, Vincent Phillips documents this was a plan to steal the oil of Iraq and divide it up among allies--he's seen the map.

They should go direvtly to jail if this is true, without passing go.

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