From my prospective....
The Air Force has the best training and the newest equipment.... but not always the best bases.
The Army tends to have the best bases.... in the most locations...good training and great equipment for mainly ground support. Some aviation but small when compared to the rest.
The Navy bases will tend to put you in places close to the ocean. The bases tend to be older but not great. IMHO... the uniforms suck.
I really don't know anything about the Coast Guard. Someone else will have to expound on that.
The Marines have the oldest equipment because we got it when the Navy was finished with it. Our training is good but not great. The Marine bases are probably the pits of all the military but we made/make do. Lots of pride and tradition.
So think long and hard....and determine what you want to do in your life and then execute it.
Thank you for considering service to your country.
Good luck,
ZWhat is the best Military Branch should I join after I graduate High School?
USMC homie!!
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What is the best Military Branch should I join after I graduate High School?marines, all the combat training overall,
old equipment, but still more efficiant than anyone else
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Choose sides ,No matter what is the questions or the answers and no matter what we think we are or what we thinks about who we are ,meaning either prisoner or the warden , rich or poor, you eat meat or beans you love or you hate you except or reject ,leftist or rightist , black or white ,religious or atheist, and all other species living with us on planet earth and beyond which we all share a common bond that's we are really one ,but there is a down side to our existence a hidden secret which kept from us and they continue to suppress the truth and to protect their system of deception from crumbling , and humanity will be free ,but are you really wants to know ,are you ready , I hope so ,and I hope SO called man in authority read it and TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE GAME IS AGAINST ALL OF US , HERE COMES THE TRUTH MY FRIENDS THAT WE ALL LIVING ON THIS PLANET AS A GUINEA PIGS , LIKE REALLY ANIMAL FARM FOR EXPERIMENTS. PURE AND SIMPLE LABORATORYWhat is the best Military Branch should I join after I graduate High School?Air Force
I was in ARMY ROTC and served 8 years in the Army and form what I saw I would recommend the Air Force; if they have your MOS (Military Occupation Specialty). In my case only the Army did.
It depends on your priorities, if you have family and what you are looking to do.
- In the Navy you can be at sea for at least 6 months and that is hard of families, it also means that you will be working 18 hours on and 8 hours off. But, you get the chance to work with submarines or on an aircraft carrier.
- In the Army you will be deployed on a lot field problems if you like camping out then you will love that.
- In the Marines you can serve on a ship or in an Embassy and that means any country in the world except for Iran, we even have a Marine base in Cuba.
- In the Air Force solders get to send their officers off to die and are rarely in danger. They get to stay at the base so the officers don't need to worry about discipline so much. In the other services they have to be able to order you to go to your death so discipline can be tighter.
- In the Coast Guard you are kind of in the Navy, but you stay at home. I don't know much about them, they are the little thought of service, but the front line to intercepting drugs and incoming terrorists and smugglers.
If your field is computers then you can go into almost any service, but if you want to work with nuclear power than any service except the Navy would be a waste of time. MPs can go anywhere in any service. There are two types of MPs in the Army; those who guard the post and those that are nothing more than glorified Infantry, they would provide security in the field during war time. You don't get to pick which unit you will belong to.
In the Army the Engineers wanted to go to the field every month so it was impossible for lower rank people to attend college. In the Navy you will be at sea so only correspondence courses would be available, the same is true for the Marines. The Coast Guard are usually at home each night and don't go on long deployments as do those in the Air Force therefore it is easier to go to college.
I have heard that Air Force Barracks are better than the Army Barracks, but I don't know for sure. Usually enlisted personal are assigned to a single room with 2-4 roommates. Officers go to the Officer Quarters and married people live in married housing or off post.
In the Army and Marines you will be able to command troops and lead a small army of men in battle, if you are an officer. In the Navy only the Captain is in charge of the ship and you will have him in your lap constantly. A Marine officer stationed to an embassy would probably be the only officer there, it depends on the nation and the size of the embassy. In the Air Force only officers can be pilots so you get to fly a jet or a cargo plane of some sort. There are many other jobs and Navigators are just as needed as pilots. You need to have perfect vision to be a pilot.
In the Marines and Army you can have a narrow mustache, but in the Navy it is possible to grow sideburns and maybe a small beard. In the Marines you could be ordered to be clean shaven. I don't know the Air Force policy, but I think it matches the Army's. For men all the services want short hair, but the Marines want the shortest.
I need to know a whole lot more about you to give you good advice, but a good idea would be to check out the Army Times or a newspaper for that service. Check out the articles for a glimpse of daily life and to see the promotion stats. In the Army you need to collect a lot of points from a wide range of sources, but your score is tied to the point total for that MOS which is controlled by the Pentagon and if your MOS is full then the point scores will be high, if your MOS is in demand then your point score will drop.
In the Air Force you need to take and pass a promotion test, but I have no idea how the Marines, or Coast Guard do it. The Navy has a separate system, but to get a position you need to take and pass a test. For example to get your dolphins; that means you are a submariner you need to study and take a test on the job, while at sea. This takes up a good deal of your free time.
In the Army you can get a lot of weekends, and holidays, in the Air Force you will get almost all of them, in the Coast Guard someone will have to be on duty at sea all the time. In the Navy you won't get any weekends or holidays off while at sea, but you do get liberty for a few days in port. In the Marines you don't get any weekends or holidays unless you are assigned to a ship or base and your ship is in port. The military is not a 9-5 job. It can be, but rarely.
The most important decision is what job you want to have. The Army has just as many pilots as the Air Force, but they all fly cargo jets or maybe a scout plane. Only the Air Force and Navy fly fighters, and only the Air Force flies the big bombers. MPs (Military Police) are so generic that they are the same for each service, but only the Marines and the Army have Tanks and Infantry. A few Marines can be pilots, but very few. Helicopter pilots are not officers, but warrant officers which take a totally different plan. The Navy, Marines, and Army have helicopters, but only the Army Helicopters go into battle. The most common helicopter is the Black Hawk and that is used by all services, but it is very new to the Coast Guard. Every service has vehicles that must be maintained and a motor pool, but only Navy Sea Bees and Army Engineers use construction equipment.
Just because you have a degree in something doesn’t mean that you will work in that field. I know of a woman who got a degree in Nuclear Engineering, but she joined the Army and ended up in the Engineers commanding an Earth Mover’s platoon. You don’t need an aeronautical degree to fly, but it helps and if you want to be a test pilot it is a requirement. All the services are interested in intelligence, but the Army has entire bases devoted to it. The Air Force use Predators and Global Surveyors so most of their intelligence is photographic. The Navy needs intelligence on ships, subs and on the land because they have to provide it to the Marines. The Coast Guard and the Air Force are the only services that fly AWACS; radar control officers, but the Air Force needs air traffic controllers. The Navy uses a few of them, but the Army planes are probably going to land at Air Force bases. The Coast Guard will work with civilians.
Write me and tell me your major and what job you want to do in the service and I can give you a little more advice. Otherwise your questions are too general.What is the best Military Branch should I join after I graduate High School?
Navy. I know several people who went into the Navy and loved it. My brother is there now. Thank you for supporting our country and good luck with whatever branch you choose.
You would be wise to join the USMC as a WM - that's tough and you could do anything!What is the best Military Branch should I join after I graduate High School?
Think long and hard before you join any service. You are not playing games. Once you sign on the dotted line, the military owns you for at least two years. If you try and get out or desert, there are heavy consequenses to pay.
Science = Air Force or Navy
Math, Aviation?
Interested in Health like being an Corpsman?
United States ARMY!!!!
go to
I was in the Army, I would say the Air Force. They get treated way better than any other service.
one word NAVY
what are these guys talking about?
united states marine corps.
Join the Navy. We'll be fighting desert wars for the foreseeable future, and nobody has a camel that can swim 6,000 miles. Think about it.
Coast Guard or Air Force, if you can get in to either of them. Followed by Navy.
Unless you want to be an infantry type. If that is what you want then Marines followed by Army.
Air Force
The branch with the best benefits that will treat you the best would be the air force. I respect the other branches but if you just want to do a normal job and not be in the war or on a ship for 10 months out of the year , then the air force will be the best choice.
Also the Air Force has the most money out of all the branches which will give better housing, pay, health benefits, and better life for families. If its the benefits and pay that your looking for the most logical choice would definitely be the Air Force.
Air force is the best
i rather u go to non of them but if you should choose
pick the Air Force after that Navy ARMY AND SO ON
What are your real interests? do what you think you'd enjoy doing - shop around. Let us know. You'd look good in Navy Blues!
Air Force. Other other branches hate the Air Force because the AF is the best. The AF gets to sleep in tents with AC in the desert while everyone else gets to dig a hole in the ground and sleep in that. Don't talk to recruiters. Talk to people who have been in, especially Marines and Army. They will all tell you they would have rather been in the Air Force.
For a chick, Air Force or Navy.
And every recruiter will bad mouth the other services, they are in competition.
Air force
U.S. Coast Guard check it out.
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