Saturday, February 18, 2012

What about all the military ballots that have not been counted?

I heard that the GOP got a court date, Nov.10th, so as to have the military ballots counted. The judge ordered them to be preserved because they were mailed to the soldiers late and recieved late. This should be reason enough to allow them to be counted.

I heard that this court order means today's election result will not be honored until this order is decided.

My question is...

What if they are counted and the votes are in McCain's favor? How will it affect the election results?

What about all the military ballots that have not been counted?The military ballots won't mean much. there's less than a million people serving the military, less than 1% of the american population. And these votes aren't localized, but spread evenly across the country. due to this spread, and the amount of people in the military, even if everyone voted McCain, it wouldn't be enough to change electoral votes, and wouldn't have much of an impact on the popular vote.

Oh, and josh, military votes are counted as absentee ballots. I'm stationed in NC, and sent my absentee to GA a couple of weeks prior. And you're right, the military is overly republican. In my shop, we did a mock vote just to see, and McCain won 43 to 1.What about all the military ballots that have not been counted?
They won'tWhat about all the military ballots that have not been counted?Not nearly enough to make one bit of a difference
At this point I think all of those military ballots would have to be for McCain... And even then I don't think he has a chance. Obama is winning big time.What about all the military ballots that have not been counted?First of all, there arent enough votes there that if they all went McCain it would make any difference. Next, the military is largely made up of young blacks and latinos. They are voting for Obama by and large. So it would probably hurt McCain more than helpWhat about all the military ballots that have not been counted?
You know how the Democrats ***** and moan about Bush cheating and stealing the election? I'd like to put it out there, thats its proven the troops support McCain, and its probably not a coincidence that they are not wanting to count their votes. I wonder how many hate mails I will get for saying that.
Obama's lead will be insurmountable and unaffected by a few thousand votes. Not as many military actually vote as people like to think they do.What about all the military ballots that have not been counted?
It is mathematically impossible for them to affect the election results.
I dont know how the military votes are counted....

Oh: For all the morons who believe that the military is split evenly between democrats and republicans or is more democratic...well, you are sadly misinformed. The USA military is HEAVILY republican and conservative.鈥?/a>

The same way they affected the Bush elections. If they put McCain ahead, then he wins. But from the looks of it, they won't matter, and should they tip the balance, the Dems will no doubt challenge, and it'll be the same song and shuffle we had the last two times they lost. Apparently, they don't believe they can lose, or at least shouldn't. How arrogant and spoiled!

And, as we have seen, they never admit that cheating had anything to do with it, so long as they won. And if they didn't, they'll scream disenfranchisement. Bull, considering all the wetbacks who voted in California. No need to ask since when we allow illegals to vote for our President. That would be since they voted Democratic. If they had voted for McCain, you can bet they'd be up in arms over it.

What I want to know is if anyone plans to verify his qualifications--well, we know what those are--the infamous birth certificate. He ought not to be inaugurated, or even called, until he can prove that he is a natural born citizen. But I'd bet he plans to just slide by, secure in the knowledge that nobody will take responsibility for demanding that check. And the ones who should have, are just as corrupt and crooked as he.

What we ought to do is write our Congressmen, and State Attorney Generals, and everyone we can think of, and demand that this be cleared before they even call the race. We are the American people, and as the governed, we have every right to demand that he prove his right to take up the position. You should do so, and get everyone you know to do so, as well.

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