Sunday, February 12, 2012

What is my best chance at flying in the military?

I've always dreamed of flying and it would be even better to fly in the military. When it comes to military branch, what is my best chance of flying? Also, how hard is it to actually get a pilot position in the military? I've decided that I will be going to college before I do anything else. I also understand that in most cases you must be an officer to fly. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you!What is my best chance at flying in the military?For fixed wing aircraft in the air force, here is an estimate, assuming you do AFROTC.

Acceptance into accredited university that consistently rates pilot positions is 76% (Purdue University).

Acceptance into UPT (Undergraduate Pilot Training) is 60-80% at Purdue, if medically qualified.

Probability of washing out of training is 10%, so a 90% chance of being rated as a pilot, then the type of craft that you fly is up to your preferences and the Air Force's needs (bomber, attack, fighter, drone, cargo, etc).

So let's get the final statistic for this route: .76 X ~.7 X .9 = .49

So, if medically qualified, if physically qualified, if academically qualified, if accepted into AFROTC, if accepted into Purdue University, if accepted into UPT and if successful in UPT then you have almost a 1 in 2 chance in being a military pilot. I recommend you do some further reading at these sights:鈥?/a> is my best chance at flying in the military?In order to be a pilot you have to be an officer and the best way to become one is to join an ROTC detachment while in college. Getting a flight training slot isn't easy since there is a lot of competition for being a pilot. The best advice I can give you is to take ROTC in college, do well in the program, don't get into any trouble, and try to keep your GPA as high as you can.What is my best chance at flying in the military?Look up US Army WOFT ( Warrant Officer Flight Training) Program.

and also, the USMC guarantees you a flight slot in platoon leaders course if you have high enough scores and do well in PLC.

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