Saturday, February 18, 2012

How close are the military collaboration and "brotherhood" between US soldiers and British soldiers nowadays?

Can we say that this is the closest military relationship in the world, between two countries?How close are the military collaboration and "brotherhood" between US soldiers and British soldiers nowadays?Yes. We have shared secrets with them since WWI. Except for churchill not warning us about the pearl harbor attack until after it happened so we would be dragged into the war... but, besides that, yes.How close are the military collaboration and "brotherhood" between US soldiers and British soldiers nowadays?I think the relationship is still very close, I'd trust U.S. forces with my life. Some of my greatest memories in the military are from when I worked with Americans, in fact, I'm planning to fly out to New York this year and meet up with a few U.S. Marine Reserves I served with in 2009 - some of the best friends I've ever met.How close are the military collaboration and "brotherhood" between US soldiers and British soldiers nowadays?there is no doubt that i would rather ride to battle alongside my American cousins than my continental friends or eastern neighbours... however, by grandfather always told be to stay behind them, it was better to have your back exposed.How close are the military collaboration and "brotherhood" between US soldiers and British soldiers nowadays?
I'll put it this way. I'd take a fellow American covering my back any day of the week.

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