Sunday, February 12, 2012

How can the military job you have can be counted as college credit? How does it work?

Some tell me that the military job you have can count as college credit toward the major you want to complete as long as it's relevant to it. How does it work?How can the military job you have can be counted as college credit? How does it work?College is afterschool training , the military is an academy , which is also conciddered as afterschool training thats whyHow can the military job you have can be counted as college credit? How does it work?Some schools will allow credit based on military service. This varies from school to school...some will allow, some won't, some will limit the credit you can receive, some won't. You just need to check with the school(s) you are interested in attending to see what there policy is.
  • jdm
  • english to arabic
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