Sunday, February 12, 2012

Is Hillary Clinton qualified to be commander and chief of the worlds greatest military machine?

Has she evwer served in the military?

Does she know anything about military strategy?

Has Hillary ever served or fought for her country?Is Hillary Clinton qualified to be commander and chief of the worlds greatest military machine?A big fat NO to all of the above

This person simply is not qualified for the job

Whoever said she was

Slick Willie

And he devastated our military when he was running things

because he didn't know what he was doing

and he slashed the budget to pay for thr welfareIs Hillary Clinton qualified to be commander and chief of the worlds greatest military machine?
I think she's more qualified than The Pied Piper ObamaIs Hillary Clinton qualified to be commander and chief of the worlds greatest military machine?Bush is there after doing some silver spoon draft dodging and dropping out of flight school, so we can't really do any worse.
Hey--- if she can't serve Bill adequately, how can she serve the nation?

'Nuff said.Is Hillary Clinton qualified to be commander and chief of the worlds greatest military machine?Why are you not asking the same question with Barack Obama? So far as I know he never even served in the Guard or Reserves unlike George W. Bush. And yes Hillary Clinton is qualified to be commander-in-chief of the worlds greatest military machine. She will have to make her decisions based on the advises of her Joint Chief of Staff and the rest of her cabinet, if she gets nominated and elected president.Is Hillary Clinton qualified to be commander and chief of the worlds greatest military machine?
Believe me when I tell you that I am not defending Hillary in any way shape or form, but service in the military does not disqualify you from becoming the commander in chief of the world's greatest military. Her husband Bill was never in the military and never served. I am not sure about Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon or Johnson. I do know that many of the presidents prior to and including Kennedy did serve.
Yes, but electing her would be a terrible mistake.Is Hillary Clinton qualified to be commander and chief of the worlds greatest military machine?
Are any of the people running for president qualified to be CiC of the military? I don't think so. Most people might say McCain is but I don't think so. I think he is a hothead and is still pissed off about the way Vietnam ended. Who knows, he might find a reason to bomb Vietnam.
If Bush is qualified, she is certainly qualified.

We live under a SECULAR government, not a relgious or military one.

I thought Maggie Thatcher kicked butt without wearing combat boots, don't you?

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