Sunday, February 12, 2012

How much more money will I receive if I am married in the military?

Hey everyone. I have been dating my girlfriend for three years and I am looking to go into the military. I have been discussing marriage with her because then she can live on base with me. How much money will I receive if I am active military and I am married? Information about anything associated with this topic will be awsome. Thank you everyone.How much more money will I receive if I am married in the military?Not that much. The only differences are

1) You qualify for military housing or BAH w/dependents instead of living in barracks. The rate is slightly higher.

2) When deployed or in training for longer than 30 days you get Family Separation of $250.

3) If you stationed OCONUS then the COLA (Cost of Living Allowance) will be higher becuase again you aren't living in barracks and there is more than you. It is based on time in, rate/rank, # of dependents and if you live in barracks or not. For CONUS COLA that is a set amount for your rate/rank and it doesn't matter if you have dependents or not. Most major bases in the CONUS don't qualify for it. It is more for places where there isnt as much base facilities like commissary, exchange, etc....

4) Your Federal Income Tax deductions can drop because you are married and filing jointly.

5) BAS is food allowance and is for the AD member only! It is $294 for enlisted. It doesn't matter if you are married or not. If you are single you are eating in the mess so it is deducted from your pay each month. If you are married then it may not be deducted but it can depend on the branch and where you are. For the Navy the only time it isn't deducted is if you are on Shore duty or the ship's galley isn't operational. Otherwise all but $40 is taken out each month whether you eat there or not.

There is no other extra money or Spouse allowance or anything else for being married. So if you live in military housing in the 48 states and are home every night there is nothing more in your pay but the extra money from taxes.How much more money will I receive if I am married in the military?
In the Air Force, your rank and time in service (basic pay) will not be affected by being married. However, you can receive BAQ (basic allowance for quarters) or base housing (if it is available) when you are married. In addition, you will receive BAS (can't remember what it stands for???) but it is basic allowance to food. Also, in some areas, you might receive a cost of living allowance, but that is usually only given in places where the cost of living is over-inflated. Hope this helps a little, and good luck for the future!How much more money will I receive if I am married in the military?you get either on post housing free then your food allowance of like 250 per month. If you live off post you get housing allowance based on rank and area. You can look it up on the net.How much more money will I receive if I am married in the military?
Check this out....this should help ;-) much more money will I receive if I am married in the military?Hey slow down and take a look at these options.

your pay depends on your rank when you enter active duty. And also if you are married or single at the time of entry.

Are you enlisting with any rank such as PFC, or comming in as an officer, or starting at the bottom as a private or airman depending on which service you join.

All of that plays a factor in what your pay will start out as. below is the site where you can go and see the military pay scale for fical year 08.

Now lets address the housing issue.

Lets say you make it thru all the initial training and your headed to your first duty station. As a married soldier.

depending on where you are station if your lucky to get stateside you can go to base housing to see how long it will take you to acquire government quarters if they have any available. If not you can live off base, and the cost of living is not to high where you are station.

again depending on which branch of the service you join. If you happen to be sent overseas like Germany, Korea, Japan and other areas like that. some branches of the service require you to go for at least 4 years in order to take your family with you. Not all tours overseas allow your family to join you. So keep that in mind, these are questions you have to ask. (dont be afraid to)

So becareful of what you put on your dream sheet (you will learn about the dream sheet in basic)

Also keep in mind the cost living overseas, and stateside, the dollar is not strong overseas, and yes you do get other money from the government like BAS, separate rations, and others along with your regular pay.

Your recruiter will not have all the answers, but at least if you can get the base you want to be station at listed in your contract, they have to honor that. So bargain for what you want.

Good luck to you.

SSgt in Iraq. (email if you have any questions bajangrl005@yahoo

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